to be awarded the militaryto be awarded the military

army medal of honor   1862army medal of honor 1862

british army medals  queensbritish army medals queens

u s  army cavalryu s army cavalry

u s  army cavalryu s army cavalry

a member of the us armya member of the us army

colonial military forces longcolonial military forces long

swedish military bayonetswedish military bayonet

rhodesian military medalsrhodesian military medals

awards and citationsawards and citations

item type  foreign medals anditem type foreign medals and

the war service medals of johnthe war service medals of john

rizals 1896 military trialrizals 1896 military trial

highest military awardhighest military award

item type  foreign medals anditem type foreign medals and

awards were extended to majorsawards were extended to majors

date of birth  october 4  1896date of birth october 4 1896

rhodesia 1896  militaryrhodesia 1896 military

the oldest military awardsthe oldest military awards

colt   us army model 1896colt us army model 1896

soviet army  awarded thesoviet army awarded the



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